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GPS Tracking Frequently Asked Questions |
What is GPS Tracking?
Our device uses the Global Positioning System to determine the precise location of a vehicle or other asset to which it is attached. The position is recorded at regular intervals and is transmitted to a central database using a cellular (GPRS) modem embedded in the unit. This allows the location to be displayed on a map in real-time or over a span of time in Control Center.
What will be the charge for tracking if I am not a customer or I do not have any vehicle registered with Digilog Systems?
There are no charge for tracking service. It is publicly free. Any one may Sign-Up for free and track any vehicle which is registered with us.
Why I have to pay a monthly subscription?
This includes the SMS/GPRS, MAP, server maintenance, internet and our development & support charges.
How do I view the demo?
Go to our demo page, click on Sign-Up! FREE, fill up the form by giving all your information mentioned there and click JOIN. Now you can LOGIN using your user-id and password then select company, corresponding vehicle and date to view the demo.
Is there any restriction on Tracking?
No, there is no restriction on tracking. Any one may track any vehicle free of cost.
What is the difference between registered user (vehicle owner) and demo user?
For tracking, there are no difference between registered user and demo user. But registered user will get extra features like Vehicle Edit, Report Generation etc. over demo user.
How many vehicles may I add to my account?
There is no limit to how many vehicles that can be tracked by the DG-Tracker fleet management system.
What are GPS tracking alerts?
GPS tracking alerts are unique limits that a customer can set up for their tracked vehicle. When the limit is broken, an SMS is sent to the customer. If a speed limit, for example, is broken, the customer will be notified. Depending on which GPS vehicle tracking system or service plan the customer chooses, they will be alerted to these types of occurrences.
How can I track my vehicle from my mobile phone?
If you are registered user then you can track your vehicle from your mobile phone. For that you have to send SMS "VSTAT + Space + Vehicle Number" to 9220092200. For example if your vehicle number registered in our site is 'WB02-3256' then send "VSTAT WB02-3256" to 9220092200. Remember that vehicle number should be same as registered in our site.
What reports are available?
Users can run speed, mileage, and exception reports in the Control Panel. Most of these GPS fleet management reports are available online and many are visible directly on the Control Panel.
Where does GPS tracking system work?
http://gps.digilogsystems.com can be accessed from any computer in the world with an Internet connection. However, the GPS tracking system currently works for vehicles located in the India.
What GPS tracking software requirements are there to use this service?
A computer capable of running the current version of any of these web browsers: FireFox, Chrome or Internet Explorer.
How do I add vehicles to my account?
There is no limit to how many vehicles that can be tracked by the GPS fleet management system, but if a customer tracks more than 50 vehicles we will offer them Fleet or commercial pricing.
How do I contact Customer Support?
How do I use the service?
When you purchase your GPS Tracking System from Digilog Systems, one of our representatives will walk you through how to use the system. At that time, we will answer any questions you have. Of course, if questions come up after that, we are always available to take your call and answer your questions.
How do I run reports of the vehicles I have been tracking?
Once a new account has been created, the customer can go to Control Center to specify which reports they would like to see.
Will DG-Tracker lower my insurance rate?
Depending on the insurance company, a discount may be available for Anti-Theft devices which the Digilog Systems service can qualify as. Ask your insurance agent or carrier to see if they provide an anti-theft device discount.
Do I have to tell my employees that I have a fleet tracking device installed?
Employers who own their vehicles have a right to monitor their property. GPS Vehicle Tracking is very similar to cameras and other monitoring devices that are commonly used by employers.
How the data is secured?
Industry standard security technology for creating an encrypted link between a Web Server and a Browser and that link ensures only private and secured data passed between Web Server and Browser. Our web server used "Thawte" SSL certificate.
Why DG - Tracker ? |
- Easy to use
- Plug & Play
- No more fuel theft
- Live & Real-Time GPS Tracking
- No Long Term Contracts
- 24x7 Visibility
- We Find Solutions For You